01 July 2007


Yesterday we went to Amsterdam. I wasn't looking forward to it cuz I don't really care for it and most people only go there cuz of Amsterdam. Amsterdam is trashy in my opinion, only good for it's red light district and mj bars. Took some pics just because I was there. Not gonna waste a trip by not taking pictures.

Today we arrived in Switzerland. First we went to Luzern and took a paddle ferry out on the lake. That place has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. When I become a filthy rich millionaire one of my mansions will be built there. Now we are in Zurich meeting some family friends, Rosemary and Hill. Now I'm relaxing and about to go to sleep. I'm dead tired and ready to go home. I get back home Thursday afternoon at 3:30....that is if the airlines don't screw up again. Next stop Hannover then back to Frankfurt to fly back to the states. Auf weidersehen.

Oooh... and remind me about the German police on the overnight train ride when I get home. That's an interesting story.

1 comment:

Amanda said...